List of the Usual Suspects
Hey, friend.
We're (some of) Rainies, a diagnosed DID system in a body aged 32 (b. 1991), Finnish.Partnered with The Salt Institute whomst are good and lovely.Not interested in syscourse.

Name: Sade
Age: 32(?)
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: ♂♀×
Birth Date: 25/07/91
Zodiac: LeoHobbies: video games, writing, art
Likes: coffee, rain, i c e c r e a m, hjors

Name: Martin
Age: 34
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: ♂
Birth Date: 06/05/87
Zodiac: TaurusHobbies: poetry, journaling, friends?
Likes: peace and quiet, shorelines by the sea, low-hanging tree branches, cottages and cows.

Name: Jay
Age: 34
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: ♂♀×
Birth Date: 13/10/87
Zodiac: LibraHobbies: reading, learning
Likes: coffee, cats, esoterica, movies, documentaries, pointless debates and sharing screenshots of them.

Name: Moth
Age: 33
Pronouns: he/him | they/them
Orientation: ♂♀
Birth Date: 22/06/88
Zodiac: CancerHobbies: adventuring. In, uh. A few senses. Does depression count as a hobby though?
Likes: outdoors, people, cities at night, cities during daytime, cafes, libraries, there's not really much that I don't enjoy under the right circumstances, let's be real here.